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Tanzania Early Childhood Development -Policy Alignment Analysis

Thrive - Policy Brief | Tanzania | 20th November 2024

Early childhood, particularly the period from pregnancy to age three, is a critical period for children’s development, with life-long impacts on health, productivity and well-being.[1] Tanzania has an ambitious goal of ensuring that by 2026 all children aged 0-8 are on track to develop to their full potential. [2] The 2022 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) indicates the degree of progress needed to meet this goal. The DHS found that less than half of children (47%) aged 24-59 months living with their biological mother were developmentally on track in terms of health, learning and psychosocial well-being. [3]

A critical question for the government and its partners is: what are the possible pathways or routes to improving early childhood development (ECD) outcomes in Tanzania? To help answer this question, Thrive is reviewing public services related to ECD.



Catherine Fidelis Amri

Shefali Rai

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